Wound Care Inventory
Alcohol prep pads
Steri-Strip adhesive skin closures
Wound cleanser
Skin protectant
Skin cleanser spray
Adhesive remover
No sting skin prep wipe
Unnas boot bandage
Slit IV sponge
Abdominal pad
4X4 sponges
Tegaderm transparent dressing
Island dressing
Petrolatum dressing
Hydrogel saturated gauze dressing
Optilock non-adhesive dressing
Hydrocolloid wound dressing
Calcium alginate dressing
Foam dressing
Iodoform packing strips
No sting barrier film
Gauze bandage roll
Sterile gauze pads
Gauze sponges – non sterile, hypoallergenic
Soft cloth surgical tape
Transpore surgical tape
Coban self-adherent wrap
Essential first aid care for cuts, scrapes, and more
Ensure that your wounds are healing the right way with proper care, ointments, and bandages.
Most small wounds can be treated at home, but since all wounds are not the same, some may require further care. If your wound is very large or deep, please get to the nearest hospital as you may need to consult a doctor, get stitches, or even a tetanus shot.
If your wound does not need professional medical attention, here are some simple steps to help it heal faster:
1. Stop the bleeding by applying pressure or running under cold water
2. Clean the infected area to reduce risk of infection
3. Use a thin layer of ointment or antibiotic
4. Use a bandage to cover the wound and help keep it clean
5. Check on your wound daily and change bandage when necessary
For more information, call us today at (916) 954-6836 or email one of our staff members at JackGMatthews@teleworm.us.